If you completed your positive enrolment with Canada Life online, you’ll have access to a new digital PSHCP benefit card right away. You can also find your card in your PSHCP Member Services account. Sign in
If you complete your positive enrolment by paper, you’ll be mailed a confirmation of enrolment that includes a new paper PSHCP benefit card, approximately 4 weeks after Canada Life receives your positive enrolment form.
Your new PSHCP benefit card and plan number are important
- Your card includes the MSH contact information for out-of-province medical emergencies and your new plan number
- You need to provide your new PSHCP benefit card (with your new plan number) to your pharmacy and your registered health care providers so they can submit your claims to us electronically.
- Your new plan number is needed to submit claims for all your eligible dependants.
- If your spouse or common-law partner is also covered under the PSHCP as a member, you may have different plan numbers depending on your month of birth. Take note if they have a different plan number to ensure claims are submitted accurately.
The plan number will be 52115 for eligible surviving dependants (spouse or common-law partner or eligible children).